Friday, October 15, 2004

Captain's log

From time to time I get like this: ... I remember that I also write well in English!
- Oh my! Don't be obnoxious Mr. Brown!
I am far and away. Like to be that way.
Maybe u miss me maybe not.
To be honest: I couldn't care less.
Where did I sign my name saying that I would be forever yours?
Don't recall having done such thing.
I belong to myself.
Never wished to be half of any orange or apple.
I like orange juice and apple pie. I hate fruit metaphors.
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
I always remember what Whitney Houston sings:
Don't forget that it was you who said goodbye!
Well, you didn't!
Sitting here listening to old songs. Watching a mouth that can devour me in a single bite thru the webcam.
A mouth that tells me things I like to read, a mouth I wish I could kiss right now.
I am far and away, been thinking a lot.
Food for thought. I bite, chew and eat my thoughts.
I am trying to find a way out of myself.
I never meant to hurt you, sorry If I did.
There is a north way I have to follow, been mixing up too many feelings lately.
What is what is not.
Could you have lost yourself in me?
Finders keepers my dear!
Kiss me with an attitude, tell me sweet words I never listened to.
Kiss me goodnight, tuck me in.
Fuck me in and out


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